Market Targeted Management™ provides the answer to the most critical question of every business. That is: how to spend the company's limited resources to gain maximum return.
Market Targeted Management™ is a discipline that goes far beyond "lean," six sigma, Just-In-Time, ERP, EVA, or any other technique. Market Targeted Management' ties all parts of an organization together to work as one system with a single objective of creating wealth. It incorporates all appropriate existing techniques (such as lean, just in time, six sigma, etc.) and creates a level of performance that is simply not possible in any other way.
Since the single most important factor that defines a company's success or failure is how the customers make their buying decisions, every effort inside the company must be focused on that. This is a simple concept, yet it is very difficult to implement. A new paradigm in thinking and breakthrough technology were required to make this a practical reality. DDSL's Market Targeted Management™ system, with its proprietary computer software tools, provides the answer. Market Targeted Management™ focuses all efforts inside a company to create the most positive impact on the customers' buying decisions.
The path that leads to Market Targeted Management™ is the Market Targeted Performance Improvement™ process. This process starts at whatever stage a company is at, takes whatever systems and tools the company already has and aligns all of these toward a single, objective, measurable criterion: Customer-Market Efficiency™. This is the objective measure of the impact that the entire company makes on the customers' buying decisions.
This alignment provides objective metrics and performance criteria for every executive, manager, employee, or groups of employees, throughout the company. It coordinates all efforts and creates an unprecedented goal congruence. The result is maximum positive impact on the customers' buying decisions with minimum cost. This translates directly into maximum Return-On-Investment.