DDSL Partners' Turnaround Methodology
When a business is in trouble, it is more critical than ever to apply the limited amount of cash and time in the correct way to solve it's problems.
Too often there are no second chances to get it right.
DDSL Partner's computer based diagnostic tools are designed to analyze a business, find the problems and identify solutions quickly, with a degree of precision that is not possible with traditional approaches. This enables investors and lenders to make decisions with a high level of certainty.
With our proprietary tools, we go far beyond financial analysis and guide our investigation to correctly identify the true performance-drivers of the business. We quickly gain a clear and accurate picture of the impediments, logical breaks and misaligned functions that hinder performance.
Our computer modeling technology lets us map out the critically important logical flow between the customer-market requirements and the internal operations of the business. Options for potential corrective measures are evaluated in the model to define the combination of new actions that will provide the greatest improvement for the least investment of money and time.
These steps allow us to design the best fitting recovery plan, where recovery is possible. The proprietary modeling tools guide us in managing the company's turnaround in the most effective and rapid fashion.
With our tools and methods we bring the scientific approach to business analysis and management. It overcomes the greatest obstacle to recovery that is often present in failing businesses: the confused and emotionally charged reaction of managers. Our unprecedented, clinical precision provides an excellent, perhaps last-chance, opportunity for a successful turnaround.